Roller Coaster or Yo-Yoing Will Not Get You Into Antibody Remission!
What is roller coastering or yo-yoing? This is when your thyroid levels go from too high to too low then too high, etc. Up and down like a roller coaster or a yo yo. This is just a recipe for misery.
You will never benefit from the antibody reducing properties of your meds if your doc has your thyroid levels on a roller coaster ride of up and down. This is true even if the yo-yoing is occurring within the ridiculously broad reference ranges we’re given.
What causes roller coastering and yo-yoing?
Dose adjustments that are too large. Docs do not understand how to dose anti thyroid meds properly. They’re taught in med school to use large dosages to slam thyroid levels way too low then remove or nuke the thyroid. That’s it. That’s all they’re taught about Graves and Hyperthyroidism. They’re taught to completely ignore the autoimmune disease, Graves, causing your hyperthyroidism.
Not testing thyroid levels every 3 to 4 weeks to catch changes in your levels immediately and correct them with the correct dose change to achieve or maintain optimal thyroid levels. Optimal is where your best quality of life is. Not just in normal range. Optimal also leads to antibody remission.
Trying to manage your thyroid by TSH alone. TSH is a pituitary hormone not a thyroid hormone and not a good indicator of optimal. What Graves antibodies (TSH Receptor Antibodies or TRab) do is attach to the TSH receptors on your thyroid and block it from even seeing the TSH hormone coming from your pituitary. Never try to manage Graves or hyperthyroidism by TSH alone.
Limiting iodine either not enough or too much. We’re never allowed the 150mcg a day that those without Graves are allowed. Ever! But, we are allowed and must have reduced amounts as we move along the path to antibody remission. As we progress along the path to remission our iodine limitations change just as our dosage needs change.
***Special newbie note: If you’re actively hyper and/or newly diagnosed or on a high dose of meds you’re likely not allowed any iodine.
The Thyroid Keeper’s Protocol uses your actual thyroid hormones to help you achieve and maintain optimal thyroid levels that lead to antibody remission. Unfortunately, I cannot teach what dose or iodine intake you need at this moment in the group setting. There are too many variables and everyone’s needs are individual and ever changing. Your doc will only see 6-8 Graves/Hyper patients in their entire career. I talk to that many or more every day and I’ve been doing it for nearly 10 years. Plus, I live successfully and optimally with this disease too.
Please consider a 1 Hour Consultation to learn the Thyroid Keeper’s Protocol so I can get you on the path to antibody remission while feeling your best along the way.
My is optimal and happy! Is yours?