Summer Vacation is not a Vacation From Your Thyroid Self-care!
Every year I see busy moms neglecting their vital self-care over summer vacation with detrimental results come fall.
We’ve all been there. Kids are out of school, home projects need doing, gardening needs to get done, trips are planned and many other fun activities we enjoy over the warm summer months are on our schedules… Life is busy and full. I get it! Been there, done that. But neglecting our thyroids is a luxury we can’t afford. The price is too high.
We Thyroid Keepers must not give in to the urge to put off our diligent maintenance and care of our lovely butterflies! Any break in your monthly labs with the needed dose and iodine intake adjustments can derail our progress to full antibody remission and maintaining optimal thyroid levels.
So, in spite of all the extras on your “To Do List”, proper thyroid care and maintenance need to stay a top priority so you feel well and enjoy yourself!
Your loved ones want you to feel well so they can share the fun with you!
It is far less difficult to maintain your optimal thyroid health than it is to fix it. And remember, if you’re not optimal you’re not lowering antibodies! Stay on target!
your no matter how busy life is!