Topic of the Week! I have Graves/Hyperthyroidism how can I be hyPO Now? There are numerous reasons your thyroid levels may have dropped too low. Over medicating. Our doctors are famous for over medicating us with MMI (methimazole/carbimazole/thiamozole). Most docs just simply have no idea how to utilize MMI properly. They use doses that are […]
Tag Archives: graves disease
There’s a little known and often ignored Graves symptom that’s not related to your thyroid since it is antibody driven. Graves Inappropriate Histamine Response (GIHR) can manifest differently in each Gravester, even at different times.
It’s simple biology. The Graves antibodies (TRab – TSH Receptor Antibodies) attach to the TSH receptors on your thyroid.
It’s completely possible to keep your thyroid if you have dual diagnosis. But, odds are you do NOT have both Graves and Hashi.
Anti Thyroid Drugs (ATD) like Tapazole (TPZ), Methimazole (MMI), Carbimazole (CBZ), Neo Marcazole (NEO) and Propylthiouracil (PTU) do NOT cause weight gain.
Your endo or GP or Naturopath do not know how so stop expecting them to manage you well or teach you anything valuable.
Anti Thyroid Drugs (ATD) like Tapazole (TPZ), Methimazole (MMI), Carbimazole (CBZ), Neo Marcazole (NEO) and Propylthiouracil (PTU) do not cause weight gain.
Tapazole (TPZ)/Methimazole (MMI)/Carbimazole (CBZ) do not cause weight gain.
I see more Graves/Hyperthyroid mismanagement from these docs than I do endos.
How many of you have been told by your doctor that you can only be on methimazole (MMI) for 12 to 18 months then you must stop and kill or remove your thyroid? This is total bunk!!!