
Hear what our Thyroid Keepers are saying.

An amazing video testimonial

Chantel / Member

I was diagnosed back in 2020 and my endo wanted to either do radioactive iodine or have my thyroid removed. I knew I didn’t want neither since I was trying for another baby at the time so I stayed on methimazole and suffered with symptoms since my doctor always had me going hyPO. I was desperate to feel better and stumbled upon this group and found Kathryn! With her knowledge and guidance, my symptoms are gone and labs are in normal range (still shooting for optimal). Even my endo was shocked at how good my numbers are when she couldn’t do it herself. I trusted a complete stranger and it paid off in the best way! I am forever grateful for Kathryn and this group and highly recommend anyone to reach out!

I was hyper and my endo could never get me to be within range. She would always had me take too much methimazole making me go hypo and Kathryn was the only one who was able to dose me right.

Hien B / Facebook

I’ve been in remission for a good bit thanks to Kathryn. It allows me to focus on other health priorities, having this one under control.

Jennie H / Facebook
I’m so grateful to Kathryn as I trust her implicitly whereas I cannot trust my endocrinologists and GPs. I spent several years swinging from hyper to hypo due to endos trying to get TSH higher.
I felt like a yo-yo and my health suffered considerably. I believe in Kathryn’s protocol as it’s helped me to a state of equilibrium and more peace of mind.
Get a scheduled phone consultation as it can be a difficult task understanding the workings of our thyroid.
Sally M / Facebook
I’ve been in here from the beginning…. myself having thyroid disease for 12 years. Was in remission for 9 and came out of it unfortunately in early 2023. I’ve worked with Kathryn this time around since I was stubborn about what I wanted to do. She knows more than endos do and better at med management then they are!!! Please don’t hesitate to ask her for help. We only have 1 thyroid. 🦋
Kathryn has been the entire reason my husband has kept his thyroid. Every provider wanted to ablate it or overdose him on medication out of fear. I appreciate her knowledge and directness when interpreting labs and providing dosage assistance.
Too often I have seen people ablate their thyroids and remain so sick and tired. Since ablation doesn’t address antibodies.
The best gift to your health is scheduling with Kathryn.
Meredith L / Facebook
Hello everyone! I was first diagnosed with Graves in October 2021 by my primary care doctor. He right away suggested and endo, but I told him we would consider that if and only if he felt he couldn’t treat me. My trust and faith lies with him. He agreed to treat me as long as he could. He was up front/honest and said look I know very little, but I have no faith endos know much more than I do. (Guessing he is right 😂) We worked together for two years and were making “some” progress but it is was very slow and a bit of a roller coaster ride. I would go to him with info from some Graves support groups and I would say “that doesn’t make sense to me” abd he would agree. One day in the support groups I questioned something and came under attack 😂 Diane Raymond jumped in defending me and told me about this page. I am a skeptic by nature, but thought I would stalk the page a bit…. I am so happy I did!!! It took me about 7 months of reading everything I could on the page and watching the interactions. Trust doesn’t come easy for me! I talked to mu husband first…. I told him how much the consult and 6 lab interpretations were and said that is a bit of miney if it doesn’t work. His famous words….BUT what if it doesn’t? So then I talked to my Doctor about it. He said I think you should try it… I will still oversee things and if something seems harmful I will speak up…. bet she knows more than 15,000 doctors and we will both learn! So honestly I didn’t have much choice now, I had opened my big mouth 😂 I wouldn’t say that I trusted Kathryn yet, I really didn’t know her yet. But, if I am going to spend my hard earned money for expertise and advice then by God I am giving it my all and see where I landed in 5-6 months 🤷‍♀️ I made the first contact with Kathryn in May of 2024. Decided to do a consult in June. Within the first 6 weeks we made more progress than I had in 2+ years! Now here we are in Feb 2025 and my levels are in range (not optimal yet, but OH SO CLOSE!) I was on PTU when I started with Kathryn due to some bad reactions to MMI. She kept saying that we needed to try it again with correct dosing and I was honest with her and told her I was not there yet. (My trust wasn’t quite all the way there due to fear) About 2 months ago I texted Kathryn and said… I either need to refill my PTU next week or fill the MMI. She knew that meant I was placing all my trust in her…and earned that trust!
I know this was a LONG post, but I just wanted to say to those of you sitting on the fence saying “what if it doesn’t work”….BUT, WHAT IF IT DOES???
Sharon MK / Facebook

I haven’t posted in a long time but I follow this page religiously. I met this Beautiful Soul Kathryn Clemens when my daughter was diagnosed at 13, in middle school with hyperthyroidism and TED. Some of you might remember my daughter. She is 21, and a senior in college. Kathryn is the #thetruth. Please book with her, if you can.

Troy WE / Facebook
I was diagnosed with Graves and Thyroid Eye Disease in 2014. I was hit HARD with it all, especially the eyes.
I found this group, followed all the rules. Changed pretty much my whole diet…learned to microdose etc.
As of today jan 2025 I’ve been in remission for about 7.5 yrs!!!
Christy M / Facebook
Hi all! I can definitely relate to this post. I was diagnosed with Graves October 2023. The first diagnosis and endocrinologist withheld medication as she wanted me to first have the iodine test and she was already speaking of cutting my thyroid out because I had severe symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypo at the same time. Rapid weight loss of 32 pounds / excessive sweating – high heart rate and overall anxiety 😟 A friend who also saw this doctor advised she first crosses off all boxes with procedures & extensive testing before ever prescribing meds. Immediately fired her and found an endo who immediately prescribed methimozol – my TSH .001. After 4 weeks of obvious over medication I swung severely with symptoms and a TSH of 28.699!!!!!
A friend sent me to this group. After reading a little I met with Kathryn who first talked me off ledge and our plan began!
Slowly bringing me closer to feeling like my old self. Today I have little complaints but just met with Kathryn to continue my wellness plan! Kathryn God Bless You and thank you!!!!! 🙏🏻
Shelley SM / Facebook
I am very grateful for Kathryn. My endocrinologist had me overdosed for approximately 6 plus years. Kathryn not only got me off my meds but I have had normal results since and my antibodies are good. I highly recommend. She is amazing. She works hard for you and spends time with you. More than any dr will do. Plus she has been through everything that we are going through with graves. She knows first hand how we feel and how to overcome.
Marella M / Facebook
I started working with Kathryn in January last year (2024) after my 4th relapse. The reason I didn’t work with you earlier is because I didn’t know about you! I am now at the tail end of my treatment, where my TRab is at remission levels so we are doing a maintenance programme until such time that we can be sure I’m not going to relapse. I can’t find a lab/GP in NZ that does TSI tests. 😕
It’s been a rocky road over the years since before my first diagnosis and every single Endo that I’ve seen (5 in total) has wanted to remove my thyroid. Back in 2006 when I was first diagnosed and the disorder was explained to me, I thought surgery to remove my thyroid makes no sense. The problem isn’t with my thyroid, it’s with my immune system. So I’m grateful to finally speak to someone (Kathryn) who knows what she’s talking about, knows about what I’m going through and has a path to remission for me. If only I’d known you 19 years ago! I’m no longer ignored by the person who is helping me and if I have a question, Kathryn has an answer for me.
My endo on the other hand…I’ve seen once in the last 12 months!
Bex B / Facebook
Kathryn has been essential to helping me keep my thyroid! I spent 8 years trying to manage my graves with multiple naturopaths and an endocrinologist before they said I was going to have to consider removing my thyroid. Within 3 months of starting her protocol my labs are in the normal range my eyes are not swollen (bulging) and I feel great! I absolutely recommend her to anyone and don’t wait 8 years and spend thousands of dollars like I did.
Amanda K / Facebook
I talk to my endo about Kathryn each time I see him. Last visit, he went through our journey together from me resisting any meds because I wanted to try out those autoimmune paleo protocols (to which he had originally told me to go seek out the author and see them for treatment) to me trying mmi and breaking out in severe hives to now. After the hives is when I found Kathryn who told me to break my doses of PTU into quarters and take a quarter dose 3x a day (1 full pill of PTU 3x a day is what I was prescribed by my endo). My endo and I have a great relationship. I hope he sees what is possible for other patients with graves.
Simone H / Facebook
Hi there I’m Monica Kelly from NSW Australia and I have been a member of this group for 2 years and thank god I stumbled across you guys after a disastrous first 6 months with an obnoxious and rude endocrinologist who as most of them do wanted to kill my thyroid.
Since Kathryn has taken over managing me I am now euthyroid, on a micro micro dose of methimazole and feel great. My home doctor is amazed at what Kathryn has achieved and is more than happy for her to medicate me as labs don’t lie. 
I will be ever grateful for all the information and support Kathryn and this group have given me these past two years. 
Thank you so so very much.
Monica Kelly / NSW Australia
Endocrinologist do not know anything about managing the thyroid in my country. Thankfully I found this group Kathryn Clemens I was diagnosed in 2017 relapsed in 2018 due to mismanagement but by following Kathryn’s protocol I am again euthyroid on a microdose of carbimazole. I manage myself with help from Kathryn & co -I can’t recommend this group highly enough for anyone who values their thyroid & good health .
After 2 years I’ve got my running life back-something I never thought would happen.
Best wishes to everyone on this journey- Linda X
Linda Ansell / UK

My Graves’ journey started in 2015 with a diagnosis, though I had symptoms for years prior. My family dr urged me to have Rai done, he said it was my best option to live a healthy life. I balked after reading up on it and asked for a referral to see a specialist. For 2 years I was mismanaged by 2 different endocrinologists. By the time I found Kathryn and her FB group I was pretty hypo from being on increasing high doses of MMI, 40 mg for 5 months at the end. I felt like death, I felt hopeless, in utter despair. Kathryn worked her magic and helped me figure out labs and dosage and brought me back to myself, gave me my quality of life back. Because of Kathryn and all the knowledge she has shared with us, I have now been optimal for 2 years and living and loving life again. Thank you so much Kathryn for all you have done for me and for thousands of others. Thank you to you and your admins in this group for educating and guiding us through this disease.

Thyroid Keeper / Member

Three months ago I was told the methimazole was no longer working and I had no choice but to have RAI or TT. I was a complete mess at the time. Lucky for me I found Kathryn and this group. I had an endo appointment this past Friday and I completely blew her away with my new found knowledge and my greatly improved labs. There was no arguing with me. I was armed with studies (thanks to the file section here) and lots of facts that are undisputable (thanks to 100’s of postings I’ve read here). She told me to keep taking the 15 mg per day (ha ha ha – I haven’t been on 15’s since Kathryn lowered my dose on March 1st) She didn’t mention the surgery once and agreed to let me have labs monthly. I’m waiting for some TSI results which are taking forever but once received, I’ll be sending to Kathryn for review along with the other labs. I just wanted to say Thank You to Kathryn and everyone in this group. I know I still have a long way to go but I’ve come a long way in three months. Kathryn – I am so grateful to you and all you’ve done for me. You are amazing! Thank you!

Thyroid Keeper / Member

In 2015, I was pregnant with my 4th child, almost immediately I knew something wasn’t right, I ended up so frail I couldn’t get out of bed, I couldnt eat, sleep, function, i had lost 60lbs I begged my ob/gyn for a blood test and that’s when I was told I had “graves disease” and put on a very high dose of ptu. I needed answers and sought out a endocrinologist he did further testing and I had toxic multinodular goiter hyperthyroidism. He lowered my dose and switched me to mmi. And suggested I get my thyroid out immediately with the promise everything would go back to normal after that. I scheduled the pre surgery apt with the ent and he told me I could probably wait since I was responding well to meds and the risk of the baby isn’t recommended. I knew I didn’t want surgery as that just never sat well with me, I felt so alone, That’s when I searched high and low and found Kathryn. I had so many questions, she taught me how to interpret my labs, how to find my ideal range and I reached “remission” within 3 months. (Remember its not the same as graves) after the birth of my daughter my levels continued to improve, I ended up getting alcohol ablation on 2 dominant nodules with Kathryn by my side. I am so blessed to have her as a friend and confidant I am beyond grateful for the knowledge she shared with me and the friendship we have made. I look forward to living my best life.

Thyroid Keeper / Member

Hi, I’m 45 and I’m in Scotland, I was diagnosed in 2017, although I suspect was suffering from it long before. Frustration grew after meeting with endocrinologist, I found this group, haven’t needed anything since, I just search the files, its all there. The greatest gift Kathryn Clemens has given me is the knowledge and confidence to advocate for myself and refuse to be fobbed off with second rate care. I have through you taught the so called professionals a thing or two, especially regarding testing and optimum levels. I’m one of the few who gain weight when hyper, I gained 22kgs ( I’m only 5’3 so that was nasty) then I was over medicated and went into hypo hell. Because of you and your dedication to all sufferers, I was able to take control of my own condition ( I mostly ignore the endocrinologist now as I have proven him wrong so many times) I’ve also managed to lose 20 of the 22 kgs, again from Advice found here. So from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for providing me with everything I needed to claim MY life back. ♥️ 󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I hate to even think the mess I could be in if it weren’t for this group.

Thyroid Keeper / Scotland
Hi, I’m 51 and I’m from Sweden but living in the US since 1995. I found out I had Graves by fluke Oct. 2018. I had no symptoms. I was sent to an endocrinologist who did not listen to me and my concerns. I told him that my list of medications that I have an allergic reaction to is long and that I’m very sensitive to drugs. So I wanted him to start me on the lowest dose of Methimazole. He told me he prescribed the lowest dose and told me to come back in three months. After 2 1/2 months I had rapidly gone hypo with a bucket full of symptoms. I was so sick. The endo suggested Rai or removal of the thyroid. Which I refused.
I then continued to manage my Graves with medications. I took 1/2 the dose the endocrinologist suggested and after a consultation with Kathryn she told me to take 1/2 of that even! So 1/4 of what the endo suggested.
I trust Kathryn 100% and tell people about this group, but then I watch people around me getting Rai or removing their thyroids (pressure from their endos) and having all their symptoms still. It’s so sad.
Thyroid Keeper / Sweden
I had borderline hyperthyroidism for all of my life…. when I ended up in a new doctors office they decided they were gonna do a FULL panel.. I’m still not SURE what all they tested… I got called back to office to be informed I have Graves and MOST of my lifelong symptoms were thyroid related, so they wanted to kill it IMMEDIATELY … THANK GOD I found this group… More like Katheryn… She explained to read all the info in the files and after doing that, it answered ALL my questions… I LOVE this group and I TRULY BELIEVE she SAVED my life and my thyroid…
Thyroid Keeper / Member

I have toxic nodules. Have had hyper storms 6 years ago when diagnosed and information was scarce but fortunately I had a good endo. I am doing well thanks to methimsole which I credit to saving my life. My labs have been good but I sent to Kathryn for review because she talks about good is not always optimal and she suggested I take my dose morning and night opposed to once a day and I feel it has helped my tiredness. I feel more “normal”. She also has a video on how to cut that tiny pill into 4ths but I use a single edge razor blade. My story isn’t dramatic but I feel learning how to dose has helped me. Information is critical with this disease. I can’t get angry or upset with people who question, there is a lot if misinformation on the internet and you SHOULD question things, but I have only seen sound advice on this site.

Thyroid Keeper / Member
I’m 36 from the UK. I was diagnosed with Graves in 2013 and my endo mismanaged me for 4 years. My numbers were up and down like a yo-yo, I felt awful and had 2 failed attempts at remission.
In 2017 I came across Kathryn’s group ‘Keep Your Thyroid’. 
I learned so much, and with the expert knowledge of Kathryn helping with my dose adjustments, she had my levels going steady, and I began to feel human again, because she actually CARES how you’re feeling and finds ‘YOUR’ optimal levels. Something my endo never cared about!
Kathryn has been a complete lifesaver (or thyroidsaver!) I feel great and am 100% confident I can control this disease and hit remission thanks to her years and years of research, knowledge and experience.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kathryn and this group. I just cannot thank you enough and appreciate EVERYTHING you do for us Gravesters 
Thyroid Keeper / Member

My thyroid issues began in 2006. I had severe anxiety and lots of other issues that had me so scared. My doctors just could not answer my many questions. Should I avoid certain foods? Can I use anything natural to help get rid if my nodules? Why does my hand shake? Why do I feel so tired? My heart is racing…is it thyroid related. Many, many other questions that both my GP and Endo could not directly answer Kathryn was there to ease my mind and help me figure things out. She really was there for me through some of my very worst moments and I am most grateful to her and this group for everything. Today, I’m a lot better. I must say it is thanks to Kathryn. Her knowledge of thyroid and Graves related issues is vast. Well researched and accurate.

Thyroid Keeper / Member

I have been subclinical hyperthyroid from a multinodular thyroid for many years. Six years ago a general surgeon wanted to remove my thyroid, I never went back. Last august, after months on a high iodine diet I went into hyperthyroid and immediately contacted Kathryn. Dam Doc wouldn’t put me on carbimazole until i had an uptake scan. Talk about bribery. From day one I have followed Kathryn’s lab interpretations to a T. Luckily, my GP gave me a year script for monthly labs. Endo says three monthly! I put absolute faith in Kathryn’s recommendations. Kathryn is keeping me on an even keel and I am so grateful. My GP nor my endo do not know I dose differently but the proof is in the labs and I will show them the spreadsheets when the time is right. It is not just labs. I do not have graves but hot nodules and many of the symptoms/side issues are similar and Kathryn has been very helpful in managing those. Doc’s just look at the labs and don’t really care about the side issues and the body systems affected by hyperthyroid that makes life hell for us. The search on this group has been so beneficial for this. I am so grateful for this group and Kathryn’s knowledge and expertise. Thank you so much ladies …

Thyroid Keeper / Member
 I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2017 after constantly feeling tired and gaining weight for no reason . Started doing my own research and saw Kathryn post on another thyroid group . She seemed very knowledgeable so I thought I’d try my luck and send her a PM to see if she would help me . She answered all my questions and referred me to this group . I have never looked back since . The knowledge this beautiful soul possesses about thyroid issues , can outweigh any endocrinologist and put most GP’s to shame . Thank you Kathryn for doing everything you do and helping so many people out there . I am so happy to pay $ for a Skype consult with Kathryn as it has been the most beneficial source of knowledge and management approach for my graves . I have spent thousands at specialists etc , and none have been able to paint a clearer picture and provide a management protocol for me to follow better than Kathryn has .
Thyroid Keeper / Sweden
I’m Jo from the UK. My story is something I now know follows a pretty familiar pattern.
In November 2016 I had my second baby, I started him on solids in May 2017 and pretty instantly discovered he has a dairy allergy so I had to cut all dairy products from my diet so I could continue breastfeeding.
My weight went into free fall, I was eating huge meals, snacks and a packet of biscuits each day but still losing 2-3lbs/1kg a week. I blamed the breastfeeding and change in diet.
By July 2017 I was the thinnest I’ve ever been in my adult life and my hair was falling out. I thought I needed to overhaul my diet so booked to see my GP too see what she thought. It didn’t take her long to realise something was wrong and I got sent for a blood test. I was dangerously thyrotoxic and advised to get an appointment with an Endocrinologist as soon as possible and far sooner than our NHS could facilitate.
The Endocrinologist supported my decision to continue breastfeeding and prescribed Carbimazole. He ordered more tests and by September 2017 I was diagnosed with Graves. It happened very quickly.
AS I continue to feed my son I spent hours researching Graves’ disease, diet, supplements, alternative treatments, support groups, experts etc. I joined quite a lot of different forums and so much advice seemed contradictory to me that it rang alarm bells. The advice offered by Kathryn seemed, to me, to be the most logical.
I continued to follow my Endocrnolgist’s treatment protocol – a haphazard regime increasing and decreasing the dose of my carbimazole. I went massivly hypothyroid, was so very ill. My get up and go walked out the building which is tough as I returned to work and was trying to hold it together – looking back this was the lowest point of my journey to date.
By January 2018 I knew I had to do something drastic to take back control. I implemented a low iodine diet and started challenging my Dr when he set my doses. I visited him less. I put nearly everything I’ve learned on this forum into practise and slowly started getting better. I scheduled a consultation with Kathryn and learned that I was implementing her regime properly, had learned how to interpret my labs and adjust my dose. 
This gave me the confidence to continue! By September 2018 my TRAB antibodies had halved and I felt much like me again. I’m still under the care of my Emdocrynologist but I am no longer covered by private health for my Graves so I’ve had to be referred back to the NHS. 
I’ve not seen my Endocrinologist for 8 months but I’ve learned to adjust my dose, how to read my levels. I’ve been in range for months now and I credit my recovery thus far to Kathryn and her treatment protocol. I just wish more Drs would implement it as it would help so many people.
Jo March / Essex, UK

I want to take a minute to say how lucky I feel to have found this group. About a year ago, I thought I was on deaths door and I stumbled upon this page and decided I’m going to join. I was desperate and just wanted to feel better and put my trust in a complete stranger to help me out. Kathryn has been an angel and has taught me so much on how to get my levels optimal. I couldn’t do it without her knowledge and guidance. I recommend anyone wanting to learn more to book a consultation with her. You will not be disappointed! Thank you Kathryn for being apart of my healing journey! 🦋

Hien Brown / Member

More Testimonials may be found in the private Facebook group.