Hear what our Thyroid Keepers are saying.
An amazing video testimonial
Chantel / Member
I was diagnosed back in 2020 and my endo wanted to either do radioactive iodine or have my thyroid removed. I knew I didn’t want neither since I was trying for another baby at the time so I stayed on methimazole and suffered with symptoms since my doctor always had me going hyPO. I was desperate to feel better and stumbled upon this group and found Kathryn! With her knowledge and guidance, my symptoms are gone and labs are in normal range (still shooting for optimal). Even my endo was shocked at how good my numbers are when she couldn’t do it herself. I trusted a complete stranger and it paid off in the best way! I am forever grateful for Kathryn and this group and highly recommend anyone to reach out!
I was hyper and my endo could never get me to be within range. She would always had me take too much methimazole making me go hypo and Kathryn was the only one who was able to dose me right.
I’ve been in remission for a good bit thanks to Kathryn. It allows me to focus on other health priorities, having this one under control.

I haven’t posted in a long time but I follow this page religiously. I met this Beautiful Soul Kathryn Clemens when my daughter was diagnosed at 13, in middle school with hyperthyroidism and TED. Some of you might remember my daughter. She is 21, and a senior in college. Kathryn is the #thetruth. Please book with her, if you can.

My Graves’ journey started in 2015 with a diagnosis, though I had symptoms for years prior. My family dr urged me to have Rai done, he said it was my best option to live a healthy life. I balked after reading up on it and asked for a referral to see a specialist. For 2 years I was mismanaged by 2 different endocrinologists. By the time I found Kathryn and her FB group I was pretty hypo from being on increasing high doses of MMI, 40 mg for 5 months at the end. I felt like death, I felt hopeless, in utter despair. Kathryn worked her magic and helped me figure out labs and dosage and brought me back to myself, gave me my quality of life back. Because of Kathryn and all the knowledge she has shared with us, I have now been optimal for 2 years and living and loving life again. Thank you so much Kathryn for all you have done for me and for thousands of others. Thank you to you and your admins in this group for educating and guiding us through this disease.
Three months ago I was told the methimazole was no longer working and I had no choice but to have RAI or TT. I was a complete mess at the time. Lucky for me I found Kathryn and this group. I had an endo appointment this past Friday and I completely blew her away with my new found knowledge and my greatly improved labs. There was no arguing with me. I was armed with studies (thanks to the file section here) and lots of facts that are undisputable (thanks to 100’s of postings I’ve read here). She told me to keep taking the 15 mg per day (ha ha ha – I haven’t been on 15’s since Kathryn lowered my dose on March 1st) She didn’t mention the surgery once and agreed to let me have labs monthly. I’m waiting for some TSI results which are taking forever but once received, I’ll be sending to Kathryn for review along with the other labs. I just wanted to say Thank You to Kathryn and everyone in this group. I know I still have a long way to go but I’ve come a long way in three months. Kathryn – I am so grateful to you and all you’ve done for me. You are amazing! Thank you!
In 2015, I was pregnant with my 4th child, almost immediately I knew something wasn’t right, I ended up so frail I couldn’t get out of bed, I couldnt eat, sleep, function, i had lost 60lbs I begged my ob/gyn for a blood test and that’s when I was told I had “graves disease” and put on a very high dose of ptu. I needed answers and sought out a endocrinologist he did further testing and I had toxic multinodular goiter hyperthyroidism. He lowered my dose and switched me to mmi. And suggested I get my thyroid out immediately with the promise everything would go back to normal after that. I scheduled the pre surgery apt with the ent and he told me I could probably wait since I was responding well to meds and the risk of the baby isn’t recommended. I knew I didn’t want surgery as that just never sat well with me, I felt so alone, That’s when I searched high and low and found Kathryn. I had so many questions, she taught me how to interpret my labs, how to find my ideal range and I reached “remission” within 3 months. (Remember its not the same as graves) after the birth of my daughter my levels continued to improve, I ended up getting alcohol ablation on 2 dominant nodules with Kathryn by my side. I am so blessed to have her as a friend and confidant I am beyond grateful for the knowledge she shared with me and the friendship we have made. I look forward to living my best life.
Hi, I’m 45 and I’m in Scotland, I was diagnosed in 2017, although I suspect was suffering from it long before. Frustration grew after meeting with endocrinologist, I found this group, haven’t needed anything since, I just search the files, its all there. The greatest gift Kathryn Clemens has given me is the knowledge and confidence to advocate for myself and refuse to be fobbed off with second rate care. I have through you taught the so called professionals a thing or two, especially regarding testing and optimum levels. I’m one of the few who gain weight when hyper, I gained 22kgs ( I’m only 5’3 so that was nasty) then I was over medicated and went into hypo hell. Because of you and your dedication to all sufferers, I was able to take control of my own condition ( I mostly ignore the endocrinologist now as I have proven him wrong so many times) I’ve also managed to lose 20 of the 22 kgs, again from Advice found here. So from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for providing me with everything I needed to claim MY life back. ♥️ I hate to even think the mess I could be in if it weren’t for this group.
I then continued to manage my Graves with medications. I took 1/2 the dose the endocrinologist suggested and after a consultation with Kathryn she told me to take 1/2 of that even! So 1/4 of what the endo suggested.
I trust Kathryn 100% and tell people about this group, but then I watch people around me getting Rai or removing their thyroids (pressure from their endos) and having all their symptoms still. It’s so sad.
I have toxic nodules. Have had hyper storms 6 years ago when diagnosed and information was scarce but fortunately I had a good endo. I am doing well thanks to methimsole which I credit to saving my life. My labs have been good but I sent to Kathryn for review because she talks about good is not always optimal and she suggested I take my dose morning and night opposed to once a day and I feel it has helped my tiredness. I feel more “normal”. She also has a video on how to cut that tiny pill into 4ths but I use a single edge razor blade. My story isn’t dramatic but I feel learning how to dose has helped me. Information is critical with this disease. I can’t get angry or upset with people who question, there is a lot if misinformation on the internet and you SHOULD question things, but I have only seen sound advice on this site.
My thyroid issues began in 2006. I had severe anxiety and lots of other issues that had me so scared. My doctors just could not answer my many questions. Should I avoid certain foods? Can I use anything natural to help get rid if my nodules? Why does my hand shake? Why do I feel so tired? My heart is racing…is it thyroid related. Many, many other questions that both my GP and Endo could not directly answer Kathryn was there to ease my mind and help me figure things out. She really was there for me through some of my very worst moments and I am most grateful to her and this group for everything. Today, I’m a lot better. I must say it is thanks to Kathryn. Her knowledge of thyroid and Graves related issues is vast. Well researched and accurate.
I have been subclinical hyperthyroid from a multinodular thyroid for many years. Six years ago a general surgeon wanted to remove my thyroid, I never went back. Last august, after months on a high iodine diet I went into hyperthyroid and immediately contacted Kathryn. Dam Doc wouldn’t put me on carbimazole until i had an uptake scan. Talk about bribery. From day one I have followed Kathryn’s lab interpretations to a T. Luckily, my GP gave me a year script for monthly labs. Endo says three monthly! I put absolute faith in Kathryn’s recommendations. Kathryn is keeping me on an even keel and I am so grateful. My GP nor my endo do not know I dose differently but the proof is in the labs and I will show them the spreadsheets when the time is right. It is not just labs. I do not have graves but hot nodules and many of the symptoms/side issues are similar and Kathryn has been very helpful in managing those. Doc’s just look at the labs and don’t really care about the side issues and the body systems affected by hyperthyroid that makes life hell for us. The search on this group has been so beneficial for this. I am so grateful for this group and Kathryn’s knowledge and expertise. Thank you so much ladies …
I want to take a minute to say how lucky I feel to have found this group. About a year ago, I thought I was on deaths door and I stumbled upon this page and decided I’m going to join. I was desperate and just wanted to feel better and put my trust in a complete stranger to help me out. Kathryn has been an angel and has taught me so much on how to get my levels optimal. I couldn’t do it without her knowledge and guidance. I recommend anyone wanting to learn more to book a consultation with her. You will not be disappointed! Thank you Kathryn for being apart of my healing journey!
More Testimonials may be found in the private Facebook group.