The Mental and Emotional Toll of Graves and Hyperthyroidism
The mental and emotional struggles are real!! Am I right? Oh yes I am! The most common complaint I hear is the mental trial of this disease. From the mood swings to Graves rage… most of us have struggled with this at some point.
Graves’ Rage: The irritability associated with this disease has probably shocked each of us at some point. Besides apologizing to those around us there’s not much we can do for it except getting our thyroid levels optimal. Optimal, not just in normal range. We must be optimal and stable for quite some time before this symptom will subside.
Anxiety: The anxiety can be crippling. I’m not an anxious person by nature, in fact I’m the opposite. I’ve taken on most of life with the same gusto I took on finding, perfecting and teaching a good management system for this disease while keeping my thyroid. But, leading up to and during my thyroid storm I had full blown panic attacks. I’m talking panic attacks where I was gasping for air and my heart rate spiking so high I had to sit down before I fell down or passed out. It was awful and scary! The good news is this symptom usually subsides as soon as the thyroid levels are brought down to more normal levels. I do not recommend using benzodiazepines to help until your levels come down. They’re highly addictive and come with their own set of problems which can be even more severe than your Graves and/or Hyperthyroidism. Benzos have side effects that can last far longer than the time it takes to get your thyroid levels in a better place. Instead, we can take supplements like edible lavender and L-Theanine and non addictive prescription meds like Hydroxyzine, Trazadone and some antidepressants.
Acceptance: It’s very hard, especially when we’re young, to accept that we have an incurable chronic disease. It’s important that we accept that this is part of our life now. Just keep telling yourself, “Yes, this is unfortunate but as far as chronic illnesses go, this one isn’t so bad!” We can have good quality of life with proper management and keeping our thyroids intact. Knowledge is power! Learn to manage your Graves well so you feel in control instead of sad and overwhelmed. Accept and control!
I can help! Not only have I been where you are, I’ve learned to manage this disease well for the best quality of life. Please consider letting me teach you so you too can accept and live your best life!!
I my ! You can your too!